And The Winner Is … Me
If, like me, you habitually and/or compulsively keep buying things off’ve the internet, you probably get asked to submit reviews quite a lot. Recently, the lovely people at Wiggle sent me an email to tell me that if I sent a review for my new bike, they’d enter me in some prize draw or another. I kinda skipped the “prize draw” stuffed to be honest, thinking that it’d be a good thing to just submit the review as I like to check other people’s reviews on the Wiggle site.
Well, a couple of days ago I got an email from Jason at Wiggle, telling me I’d won a prize. Woohoo! I was very chuffed indeed. I phoned the guy up, gave him the usual “I never win anything, I’m so surprised etc. etc.” guff and then emailed a few lines as requested. The lovely Wiggle people have blogged about it here, as they wanted to make it clear that Wiggle shoppers win Wiggle prizes.
So, I’m looking forward to receiving my lovely new set of lights. I don’t actually need them, but I’m sure they’ll be used because they’re bound to better than at least one of the 7 sets of lights we’ve already got for our 5 bikes. Maybe I should run my own “win a set of lights” competition on this newly-renamed Phill’s Irregular Cycles blog.
What do you think?
p.s. I haven’t hyperlinked Wiggle here, you may have noticed. If you want to see their site, go to Joby’s splendid Fight Bad Driving site and follow his affiliate link. He needs the money.
p.p.s. In “Other News“, I’ve been asked to be a guest blogger on an American diet site. I’ll tell you all about that soon, as I may need to ask for some help…
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