A little while ago I bought myself an RRP Neoguard via Amazon, after reading a review where one had performed much better than a crudcatcher in a very muddy test.
What’s An RRP Neoguard, Then?
The Neoguard is a simple product, made from neoprene with velcro fastenings, which attaches to your front forks in about 30 seconds (I kid you not. I’ve done it). Put simply, it catches the spray and gloop from your front wheel before that spray and gloop flies up into the air, and into your face.
Last winter, I got home from many a ride with a face looking like a Jackson Pollock painting. As a bespectacled man, my glasses were usually rendered useless by the amount of kack thrown onto them, too.
I don’t much like the look of crudcatchers myself, and my bike doesn’t have lugs to attach one. Seeing the Neoguard review in a magazine, and reading that they’re only 20g in weight, I took the plunge.
Does It Work?
To put it bluntly: Yes, it works. Saturday was day which began with a lot of rain. This was after a week with a lot of rain and melting snow. I took the Merida to the top of a big hill because I wanted to give the suspension a workout on the way down, and there was water running down the singletrack as I splashed, bunnyhopped and whooped my way to the bottom.
When I slowed to open the gate from Deep Lane to Littleborough Rugby Club’s grounds, I noticed that I only had one speck of water on my specs. This was fantastic news! I’m suddenly a total convert.
A product which I bought to save weight and space, leaving my new bike looking sexy, actually works like a dream. I’m so pleased that I’ve ordered another one for my boy’s bike.
If you want one, here’s some links to buy them on Amazon:
A small will fit anything up to 150mm forks, basically. Tell ’em Phill sent you 🙂