Have you heard about Bucket Lists? They’re a list of the things you want to do before you kick the bucket. See? Going to see 127 Hours at the pictures last week sparked this off, partly because of the stunning scenery and partly because the movie rather starkly reminds you of your own fragile mortality.
Well, I’m a big fan of goal-setting for fun purposes, so I’ve been putting a bit of thought into my own Bucket List and I’d appreciate your input too.
My Bucket List
Keeping it simple, here’s my first stab at a list of things I want to do before I die.
Buy a Camper Van. Probably a VW T5 and get a spanking conversion. Kayaks on top, bikes on back.
White Water Rafting. Again. Actually, I’ve already booked this!
Pyrenees. The Tour De France coverage made me add this one. I’m sure I can’t ride the Cols, but I can take the Camper up them and coast down while my beloved drives to the bottom!
Riding in Utah. Just look at the MTB magazines. The place is gorgeous. I want to be seen rolling down those massive red rocks, I want to feel them and to see the orange sand on my tyres. I don’t want to get trapped in a ravine though.
Another One. But I’m not telling you what this one is. It’s kind of important and not for sharing.
- A VW T5 Fun Camper
- White Water Rafting. Again.
- The Pyrenees
- MTB in Utah
What’s on your list? If you’ve got any blogged Bucket Lists send me a link, let’s share them.
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