Author Archives: Phill

Glentress Day Out – A #Nov100 Treat

Taking Advantage

I was in Scotland on business last week, spending a couple of days up at HQ with my team.  I’m normally back in Lancashire by midweek when I’ve been up to the bonny land, but last week I wasn’t due to head back down south until Saturday.  So, I had an idea…


The 7Stanes trails at Glentress are a fairly short diversion from my usual drive back from near Edinburgh to the top of the M6 before heading home.  Last Saturday I had the Fat Boy in the back of the car and took that diversion.  What a great idea that was!

Before you even get onto the trails at Glentress, it’s obvious that you’ve arrived somewhere special.  The facilities are exceptional, with a large bike shop, great cafe, great car park (only £3 all day) and informative signage all visible before you even get out of your car.  Hungover from a previous evening spent in the finer establishments of Edinburgh, I headed for the cafe first.  With change from a £fiver for beans on toast and a pot of tea, I was delighted.  When the enormous portion of “beans on” arrived, I was chuffed to biuts: this was proper man-sized mountain biking fuel!

The Trails

If you read any of the MTB press, you’ll know that a lot of investment has gone into the 7Stanes networks, and into Glentress in particular.  Getting out onto the trails at Glentress, you can tell.  I picked the Blue Route, as this was my first visit and I was feeling somewhat delicate.  Hearing of over 2,000 feet of climbing, I was not looking forward to the upward slog.   Having ridden at Gisburn Forest in the past, I was expecting a vomit-inducing fire road drag up to the top.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  At Glentress, you take in the fantastic views and the scent of fresh pine as you climb along red paths between the tress, dodging left and right through many, many switchbacks on your way up.  There are a few short fire road bursts, sure, but it’s almost a pleasure putting the hill beneath you.

About two-thirds of the way up, there’s a car park (for cheats) next to a skills area and freeride zone which looked like loads of fun, but which was too much for my limited bike and more limited talents.  So, I pushed on upwards to the top of the Blue Route before the long journey back down to earth.

And what a journey.

Glentress In 20 Words Or Less

Swoopy.  Jumpy.  Fast.  Dark.  Trees.  Red.  Rocky.  Loamy.  Grass.  Ferns.  Exciting.  Plush.   High.  Manageable.  Fantastic.  Friendly.  Organised.  Clean.  Fun.

That’s 19.  Can you add one? 😉


Night Riding: I Chased A Cat And I Liked It.

Night Riding Is Cool

I have a routine of riding my bike every Tuesday after work, in a bid to keep myself going and to add some miles to the #Nov100 sheet.  If you look at my Daily Mile profile you’ll notice this.  Therefore it’s unavoidable that I have to ride in the dark.  Now, as I see it there are two options for riding at night:

1. Road
Vision is better on the roads, that’s for sure.  Surfaces are better, too.  You can cover a decent distance over a decent time.  There are only two disadvantages to road riding at night, one being that you might get wiped off the face of the Earth by a dim motorist and the other being that it’s boring. 😉

2. OffRoad
No motorists, no HGVs, no visual distractions. Just you and the quiet around you.  A big light, the sound of your own breathing, the sight of the moisture being expelled by your own lungs in the torch-beam when you slow down, the sounds of wildlife and distant urban noise reaching your ears unspoiled by daytime white noise…  Riding offroad at night is just better. Because it is. Fact.

Clarity, Cats and Cackling

This Tuesday, a strengthening headwind on my outward leg cheered me up, mainly because I knew it would be a nice tailwind on the way home.  Happily, the Great British weather did not let me down and I was pushed for my last 3 miles by a lovely breeze.  As the Rochdale Canal rushed past to my left and the distant street lights of Halifax Road twinkled to my right, my eBay special 900-lumen light illuminated the towpath ahead of me.

Suddenly, there was a surprised scurrying noise and two yellow orbs flicked round to look directly at me: I’d shocked a cat out on his night prowls.  One moment he was ambling along, checking the canal banks for unsuspecting rodents and moths; the next there was a portly, middle-aged diabetic man on a bike bearing down on him.

Run, Cat! Run!
The cat  sped off, tail aloft and fur on end, along the towpath.  Following the only straight line escape route open to him, he was in my sights.  I was losing him. For a few seconds.

I smiled to myself and turned the pedals a little bit harder.  The fear-stricken feline was being reeled back towards me.  Sensing me closing on him, the yellow eyes glanced back at me, reflecting my torch back and revealing the terror in the cat’s eyes.  His little legs didn’t skip a beat, he was running at a good pace now but I was gaining slowly.

My smile turned into a laugh now, and I surprised myself a little as the laugh escaped my throat into the night air.  Anyone seeing me would have certainly thought I’d gone a bit mental.  I was having fun!  It was like I was a child again, mindlessly  chasing the cat without a single consideration of what I’d do if I caught it.  There’s a certain primal glee in knowing that you’re catching something at pace. Anything.

The cat made one more flick of his head to look back at me and confirm that the noise of my tyres was indeed accompanied by my maniacal, laughing, advancing face, framed by a mountain bike helmet and carried by a steed of aluminium and rubber.  Then he had a moment of clarity, made a swift turn ninety degrees to the right and scaled a four-foot wall like a scalded, well, cat.

I laughed all the way home.  I wish I’d video’d it: cats are more popular than naked ladies on the internet these days.

Night riding’s cool.


Schwalbe Smart Sam Review – New MTB Tyres

New Mountain Bike Tyres

I noticed last week that my Schwalbe Racing Ralph tyres, which came with my Focus Fat Boy MTB, we wearing desperately smooth.  The front tyre in particular was looking pretty bald.  On wet rides, the handling was getting very sketchy and I was spending more time clipping in and out of my pedals, waiting for a washout.

So it was time to do something about it.  Especially as I’m off out on a ride with Joby, Chris and Adrian on Saturday.

Schwalbe Smart Sam

I bought the tyres from On One Bikes, a bike store who retail some special bikes as well as carrying perfect stock for the conditions I ride in.  I got a 2.25inch tyre for the front and a 2.1inch for the rear.  I’m hoping that the big front will stop the bike washing out on me (my greatest fear when clipped in) and slow down the rate of wear, too.

The tyres are made from a hardwearing compound which means they shouldn’t degrade on the miles I do on the road.  Added to that are some nice big shoulder lugs which should bite on corners and in the slippier gloop away from the traffic.  Since I also hit the canalside a lot, the hardwearing central tread should hold up well on the gravel surface of Rochdale Canal towpath.

Fitting And Riding

Putting the tyres on to the bike was simplicity itself.  I chose the “light” flavour of tyre, and the bead was very easy to get onto the rim.  I just left a few psi in the inner tube and thumbed the bead onto the rim, using a tyre leve for the last couple of inches.  No sweat.  My only advice would be to check that the bead is seated properly all the way round, as previously I’ve experienced a “ran over a snake!” bursted-out innertube after a rushed tube repair with the old Racing Ralphs!

When riding, the tyres roll fast on tarmac – a real blessing on the way to your favourite trail if, like me, you’d rather not throw the bike in the car to get everywhere.  I got them up to 28mph on a downhill road stretch where I usually hit around 26, so they’re at least as quick as the Racing Ralphs on the black stuff.

Off the road I felt much more confident on wet & slippy mud, as well as the limestone and gravel trails on my usual autopilot loop.  I don’t think this was new tyre bravado as I’m pretty sure I was being scientific about it!  At this stage I’ll promise to post a follow-up comment below after our Saturday ride 😉

In Short

These Schwalbe Smart Sam MTB tyres are not expensive: a very reasonably-priced, hardwearing, all round MTB tyre.  If you ride mixed surfaces like me, I think you could do a lot worse.  If I change my mind, I’ll post below so check the comments for updates once the initial post-purchase euphoria has worn off.


National Cycle Network NCN Route 66 Improvements, Rochdale Canal

Getting Our Kicks On Route 66

On Sunday, the kids and I set out on a sunset ride up to my favourite place in the whole world.  Our outward journey was the usual Rochdale Canal towpath trawl out to wards The Waterside Restaurant, then up Lake Road to Hollingworth Lake.  Halfway around the lake we stopped to watch a beautiful sunset as a group of dinghies finished their afternoon’s races.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, we supped our hot drinks (chocolate for Em, cappuccino for Ben and tea for me) and pulled up our buffs as the temperature dropped.  Steeled against the cold, we set off home.

New Towpath Access = New Choices

For quite some time (around 200 years I think), it’s been possible to get onto the Rochdale Canal towpath at Clegg Hall by using a flight of steps or a steep, rutted short path.  In their wisdom, British Waterways and the National Cycle Network guys at Sustrans have replaced the terrible path with a properly-laid, gravel covered slip road which connects the bridge over the canal from Clegg Hall with the towpath.  It’s absolutely ideal for cyclists.

Having spotted the new slip road on recent rides, we travelled back from the lake via Wildhouse Lane (using the traffic-free cycle lane alongside the main road) then turned right down Branch Road and rode past Clegg Hall before joining the towpath for the last mile home.

We were glad of the new shortcut, as the temperature plummeted under beautiful clear skies once it got dark!  I think it’s full-fingered gloves time from now on!

Incidentally, if you like the look of Clegg Hall, it’s yours for a chunk over half a million.  Take a look.

Tell ’em Phill sent you! 🙂

Early #Oct100 #Cycling Round Up

Why So Early?

I know that October hasn’t quite finished yet.  It’s only the 31st as I write this.  But I was thinking…. it’s Monday, it’s quite warm out (in the UK at any rate) and there’s technically one more riding day until November… So maybe, just maybe, this article might push a few people out of the door tonight.

I’m also hoping that I might pressure myself into a final ride, as I’m about 16 miles short of the target for #Oct100.

How’s The #Oct100 Looking?

As at today, we’ve got 4,169 miles ridden in October by 25 cyclists, of which 3,423 was either outdoor leisure miles or time on the turbo trainer.

You can see the graph by clicking onto the Monthly Cycling Challenge page on this site and if you haven’t joined in yet, why not give it a whirl? There’s a wee form there, just fill it in to join or to ask me about it.

Worth A Mention:

Mental John Berry turned in his 10,000th mile of 2011 during the month, with over 1,000 miles in this month alone.  If that’s not worth a special mention, then what the hell is?

End Note

If you think you can, just pull the bike out, check it works and get on it.  You might only get round the block, you might notch up a 100 mile day like Mental John does some days.  But I promise you this: you will enjoy yourself.

Just get the bike out and ride it...

Get Your Bike Out.

So just do it. Tell ’em Phill sent you.

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