Why Does Nobody Read My Blog?
Recently, I’ve suffered the ignominy of not receiving a single comment on a couple of my blog posts. The first time it happened, I shamelessly canvassed friends to put it right. I was not proud of myself, but it made me feel a little bit better. The second time, I took a more considered approach and decided to try and find out why.
Here is what I found:
I Talk Some Crap
I love words. Words are great. But I use too many. When ten words would do, you often see fifty or a hundred. Must do better. I find rambling fun (not the walking kind. See? There I go again) but you don’t have enough time to read all my rambling and that of all the other blogs you follow.
Here’s a Wordle of my blog content. As you can see, it’s very random indeed. Maybe I need some more direction, or to split my blog up a bit…?
I Post At The Wrong Time
Google Analytics and Google Reader tell me the hard truth: I post most of my blog entries at about 1pm. You read blogs between 12 noon and 1pm. So my post is a day old if you read it. Also, the automatic thingummydoofer that posts my new blog entry to twitter does it after your lunch hour has finished.
There’s not much I can do about this. I get a lunch break, during which I write my posts. By the time I’ve written them, attached and edited photos, corrected my spelling and rubbish html, etc., you’re all back at work. I just hope you don’t mind reading them late – I need to work out how to remind you to do that at the beginning of your lunch breaks, though.
I Need Help To Get More Subscribers
From the stats I’ve got my hands on, there are 15 subscribers to this blog via Feedburner, 3 from Google Reader and 8 Google Friends. Now that you’ve realised you’re in such a select group, rather than a crowd of Papal Mass proportions, there are probably even fewer 😉
I need better ways to get my blog in front of people, automatically (but carefully and ethically)and via the people I know. Or failing that, just tell your friends to read my bloody blog! … please. 🙂
I downloaded the Arkayne plugin recently, with the intention of finding other blogs I could link to automatically and broaden my exposure to other blogs. This would help me read from a wider pool of writers, but also send my links to other people. The sad truth though, is that Arkayne doesn’t seem to have enough members who like what I like. I’m going to stick with it though, for a while at least, to see if I get any interesting new knowledge or visitors.
Can any of you recommend plugins or tools that will be handy?