Trail Dog – Should I Or Shouldn’t I?
I think you need a bit of background information on this one….
In The Oldham Days…
… I grew up with a dog. Shep was a corgi-jack russell cross – basically the fattest-looking jack russell you ever saw. She was docile, friendly, the colour of beach sand and a wonderful companion on many walks. A silent confidant through my teenage years and a great family member. When she left us, cats took over the home and whilst I love cats, they never loved me back. They don’t, do they? Evil little sods that they are. 😉
My partner has also loved dogs and TrixieWixieWooWoo (I know) was also a much loved family member, before my time.
More Recently…
… We’ve been having conversations along the lines of:
“We should get a dog”
“But we both work”
“We should get a dog”
“But we like to go out”
“We should get a dog”
“But I don’t want to be tied to the house”
“I want a dog”
“But it’s not fair on the dog”
“I want this dog (shows picture of cute little handbag dog from the internet)”
… Then other family members joined in…
“I want a dog too”
“Why do you want a dog?”
“I want a schtizu”
“Isn’t that a zoo with no penguins? (Yes, clearly a diversionary tactic)”
… and so on and so forth, with no progress.
Then I read this blog post over my lunchtime sandwiches just now. Then my heart and my will soften a little bit. Then I googled “Best trail dog” and read this closed forum from Singletrack World. If you don’t already know this, I’m a Singletrack subscriber like most MTB riders, especially ones from anywhere near Lancashire. So I had to take it seriously.
Now I’m thinking…. Now I need some help.
Should I take the leap or not? What should I do? Where should I go? How much will I regret it? What kind of dog should I possibly maybe discuss the possibility of an idea of considering?
Please help me. I need to get some information before I go all mushy and make a bad decision, or before I go all stubborn and miss what might be a great opportunity. Tell me what I should do, or what I need to know.
You know the drill, just fill in the little form below – thanks! 🙂