Yes, I’ve been quiet. Sorry about that: I’ve got some stuff going on right now.
I read an excellent little article today over on the Bike Tinker Blog. It’s an excellent blog all about doing weird stuff with – and for – bikes. A lovely pastime. Check it out.
Anyway, this article listed some Rules Of The Road, which I’m going to reproduce here. I hope the author doesn’t mind.
Rules Of The Road.
Expect to share the road with bicycles.
Expect to share the road with cars.
Move predictably.
Never attempt to kill or injure another person intentionally.
Pay attention, so you don’t kill or injure anyone unintentionally.
Stay aware of other peoples’ presence, speed and direction.
Alert people to your presence, but do not startle them.
To these, I’m going to add two more cyclist-specific rules which Baron Sugar of Clapham suggested in an interview on the soon-to-be-defunct Chris Moyles Radio 1 breaksfast radio show:
Always wear a helmet, even if you’re just going around the corner.
Assume that everyone else on the road is trying to kill you.
Do you have any more to add? I’d be interested to see them. Or, distil your best 3 and put them here, because everyone knows that you can’t remember more than 3 things at the same time.
Since starting up the #12×100 Monthly Cycling Challenge I’ve tried to keep up a regular routine of cycling and it’s definitely helped. There are very few Tuesday nights I don’t get a few miles in, and every other weekend tends to have a good ride in it, too. Most of my cycling has been done alone though.
I do like riding my bike on my own. The chance to gather my thoughts out of the house, to take in the views, to enjoy the weather and listen to the sounds around me is a chance I like to take. More recently though it’s become obvious that although I know loads of other cyclists, I don’t often ride with any of them.
A close neighbour now rides me with me most Tuesdays on his old boneshaker. I’m hoping that his Missus will let him buy a better bike once he’s proved that he likes cycling and he’s going to keep it up! At first I struggled to adjust to the possibilities of conversation and sociable tea-and-biscuit consumption, but now I have to admit that it’s been good to have someone along.
There are always going to be good chances to ride alone and I’ll keep taking them. My lack of fitness and ambition are less obvious when I’m plodding along alone, lazily winching up the hills and flowing down them. My opportunities to take photos and capture the beautiful countryside within which I live are also more plentiful when I’m not encumbered by anyone else’s conflicting desire to cover more miles or keep their heart rate up.
But, when Chris suggested it was time for a social MTB ride, he was right.
A Bad Start
Going out for morning bike rides with diabetes is sometimes a pain in the bum. Managing my diabetes means that I tend to fuel up in pretty short bursts: you don’t really carbo-load when you know it’ll push your blood sugars high. The normal short-term, in-day rules apply but carbs usually have to be ingested to suit the exertion planned. Basically, that means: eat for today, not tomorrow.
We’d arranged to set off from mine at 10am. When I got up on the day of the ride my blood sugar was a bit higher than I’d have liked, so a big porridge breakfast wasn’t on the cards. I opted for a brioche whilst the lads turned up, pottered about and we all scratched our heads over Joby’s totally screwed rear brake. More about that later.
Powered only by instant coffee and a small helping of French bread with choccy bits, I led the lads down the canal towpath and up beside Clegg Hall towards Hollingworth Lake where we were meeting Adrian, our fourth rider and expert guide for the day. On getting there, we all joked about Joby’s knackered brake, suggesting either that he should descend first so as not to hit us in the back when he went OTB, or go last so that we weren’t inconvenienced when he bit the dust on the rocky Pennine descents Adrian had planned for us.
Brief hellos done, we set off towards the M62 viaduct where Rochdale and Littleborough are left behind and “the moors” are entered. Immediately, a massive gap opened up when the lads steamed up the first climb and I just let them go. Admittedly, they did climb very quickly (Strava told me later) but I was over a minute down on my usual time for an ascent which takes less than four to finish. I didn’t know that at the time: I just knew I was knackered!
I knew I’d be hanging off the back of the party all day. On the next climb, I got up without dabbing but at the top I was properly worn out. Only 5 miles or so ridden, all of which I’ve done many times alone, and I needed to get off the bike for a long rest. Thankfully a horse asked us to hang back (well, a woman riding a horse, but a horse asking would have been amazing) so I didn’t feel so guilty sat on the grass, sweating, not talking, with three blokes wondering whether I was going to bottle it and go home.
I’m glad I didn’t. It wasn’t a race.
Starting To Enjoy It
From there, we went along to Piethorne reservoir where the descent to the waterside and the views are amazing. Adrian got told off for startling two lady walkers but he had the good grace to feel a bit guilty, so that was ok. Poor Joby’s back brake had evidently spilled all of its hydraulic innards and was totally useless, so he followed gingerly down the descent, leaning off the back of his bike with the front brake on, somehow managing to avoid any face/rock interfaces.
The lads were beginning to talk of sausage butties by this time, so I played my trump card. Everyone needs to bring something to a social ride, and I’d brought my knowledge of where the best food was! One problem though, the climb from Piethorne reservoir to the Ram’s Head is a bit unpleasant. Rocky and steep, with hefty water bars and no clear view to the top – but remember, there was a pub at the top, so we got there.
How nice does THIS look?
You know you’re getting a posh burger when the chips are arranged in a little mesh chip pan which has clearly never been immersed in a fryer. Suffice to say that it tasted bloody marvellous. You should go to the Ram’s Head – it’s actually easier to get to from the road than the moors, for you roadie-whippet types.
Final Legs
Dropping back to Piethorne ressy from the pub was lots of fun for everyone except Joby on his single-braked steed, then we took the easy service road alongside Piethorne and Ogden reservoirs before a little portage back up towards the junction where I’d flaked out earlier. The burger and chips were working their magic and I felt much, much better with some proper carbs (and meat, and fat – all the important food groups) working through my system.
A final little climb and back down to t’Lake finished off a great couple of hours in the hills, so we said goodbye to Adrian and headed back to mine along the canal towpath.
Lessons Learned
Let’s make this clear: I had a really good day out. I loved the cycling, the company, the scenery and the food. This social ride was a brilliant idea. Thanks Chris for the suggestion and thanks Joby and Adrian for being there too.
I learned three things on this ride: 1. As a diabetic, a poor feed means a poor ride. 2. I should ride with other people more often. 3. I’m even less fit than I thought I was.
My fitness isn’t a problem when I’m out alone. I’m fitter than most 42 year old men, but the trouble with grossed-up statistics is that they don’t reflect your individual circumstances. Most 42 year-old men spent last Sunday eating crisps and watching the Olympics – they weren’t trying to keep up with 3 fitter, younger men on mountain bikes in the foothills of the Pennines.
Being fitter than most 42 year-old men isn’t good enough. I need to get as fit as most men who regularly ride mountain bikes in the hills. I guess that means that I have a goal to achieve.
… I’m going to ride a pushbike 60 miles to Blackpool on Sunday.
Stick with me on this one.
At this time of year, I watch the Tour de France like a lot of you. Usually just the highlights because I have a job to do, but in our house we never miss a day’s viewing. What inspires me more than anything else is how hardthese men are. No, Finabarr Saunders, I don’t mean like that: I mean that these guys are the fittest, most resilient, most inspiring athletes on the planet. In my opinion.
Except the drug-takers. They’re idiots. But let’s forget them for a moment.
Last year I watched this happen to Johnny Hoogerland:
Then only yesterday, I watched Tyler Farrar fall of his bike at speed when the guy he was leaning on moved. Andre Greipel, battering along like the bull of a man that he is, seemed to bunny-hop Farrar’s head to avoid him, then also managed to miraculously avoid Peter Sagan who was fired across his path by the snowballing crash. Greipel had both feet out of the pedals as he swerved through the growing carnage. Impressive, no?
No. What was most impressive was that Andre Greipel then clipped back into his bike, caught up his team-mates, accelerated to about 40mph up a hill and won that day’s stage. This is after riding around 130 miles.
Greipel is just one of 200 riders who plan to ride those 130 miles every day for 20 days, racing their hearts out with only 2 days off for a rest.
It’s easy for us to think about our favourtie riders but I thought I’d mention a couple who, for the UK fans at least, aren’t so much in the spotlight of adoration. Every one of those 200 guys is amazing (except the cheats).
What Does This Mean To Me?
I’ve booked to ride 60 miles from Manchester to Blackpool on Sunday, to raise much-needed funds for Springhill Hospice, where my Mum spent her last few days just before Christmas in 2009.
Around 3 weeks ago, I sprained my ankle playing football on a Wednesday evening after work. I wasn’t best pleased. Then this Wednesday, playing football again, I over-stretched my hip and pulled it somewhat. Walking down stairs is a fair bit hurty right now.
But on Sunday I’m riding to Blackpool anyway. I’m no athlete: I’ll take a couple of Ibuprofen and join a leisurely mass cycle with thousands of other people, into the forecast headwind and rain.
I’ll do it because a number of friends and colleagues, plus some wonderful strangers, have given money to the Hospice where my Mum ended her days and where countless others before and after her have been – and will be – given the dignity and care they deserve during a most important time.
I’ll just MTFU and get on with, because it’s the right thing to do. I’m not Johnny Hoogerland, I’m not Andre Greipel, I’m just a slightly paunchy little man riding a pushbike to Blackpool and helping a Hospice to do fantastic things.
Can You Help?
There’s a little blue widget up on the right of this blog which links to my JustGiving page. If you want to, you can offer a little support. I’ve already pushed the limit upwards twice, which has been fantastic.
If you can’t, that’s absolutely fine. Just get out on your bike, ignore the little hassles and the weather if you can, and enjoy it – then do something nice for someone else too. Then you will have made the world a better place.
I’m not trendy enough to have a fixie. I’m not skilful enough to ride one. If I was to try it, I’d probably fall off and I know I’d need physio for weeks on my mashed tendons.
However, this movie looks like it’s going to be very, very cool.
Yesterday, I had a job to do. The job was painting the base of our new trailer. The good news was that I needed to leave it for 4 hours between the primer and the top coat. “What’s this got to do with Mountain Biking?” I hear you ask.
Well, those 4 hours gave me enough time to (1) Avoid a rain shower and (2) Explore the hills on my bike.
I’ve got into a habit of riding up past Hollingworth Lake, under the M62 and over Tunshill then back home. I love that ride but I fancied trying something new whilst I had the time and a lovely dry afternoon on a Bank Holiday (hurrah for leftover pagan holidays!). Despite the stupid climb from the motorway bridge past Tunshill Golf Club up the top of Tunshill, that’s the way I chose to climb. On foot.
On reaching Four Lane Ends, the easy option would be to head back towards t’Lake, so I decided not to do that. The path towards Ogden and Piethorne reservoirs ambles gently downhill from the junction, so for the first time, I headed that way. Good decision!
Eerie? But Welcoming…
Rag Hole Farm
Rag Hole Rest Stop.
Rag Hole in the centre
The full route I took is on Gpsies here, it’s worth a look. A nice uppy-downy afternoon out 🙂
You can see from the old map extract that the farm buildings had fascinated me. Some digging (on the internets, not in the ground) after I got home revealed that Rag Hole Farm had been a busy Rye and Barley farm in the 1850’s, before the reservoirs through the Piethorne valley were commissioned in 1878.
Presumably the farmer walked away from the property with a nice big cheque and lived happily ever after, leaving the rye and barley fields to be lost beneath the reservoirs and the farm buildings to be reclaimed by the land.
Isn’t it amazing how things change, and how the simple act of an afternoon’s bike ride can uncover new knowledge?